
Boys Basketball Sectionals Kick Off Tonight

Feb 27, 2024 | 5:17 PM

Pasco Olivier / CC

It’s that time of year again. Boys Sectionals will start tonight locally.

First up at Jeff you’ve got Harrison taking on Kokomo, followed by McCuctheon vs Marion. Kokomo could be the favorite here. Led by Kansas commit Flory Bidunga, the 6-8 power house is a top 10 player in the country. Harrsion lost the in season match up by 34 points. The Mavs will look to avenge an 18 point loss from a few weeks ago to the Giants.

At Central Catolic, CC hosts Seeger at 6pm in a match up between two 14 win teams as coach Drake Barrett looks for his first ever Sectional win as a head coach. Carroll and Delphi will be the second game.

And Faith Christian built some momentum winning their first conference championship last week. They head to Fountain Central to take on Clinton Central who they beat by 30 earlier this month. That game starts at 6pm.


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