A new study ranks Indiana no. 2 with the worst potholes in the U.S.
Quote Wizard released a study of the “states with the worst potholes.” They looked at Google search statistics of the past year. Michigan had the most searches for pothole-related complaints than any other state with a “search index average” of 44. Indiana came in 2nd with 41. The state with the least pothole-related searches was Wyoming.
According to AAA, 1 in 10 drivers sustain enough damage to their vehicle from a pothole that resulted in repair. The average cost of a pothole-related repair is $600. In 2021 potholes cost drivers $26.5 billion.
States With The Worst Posthole Problems
- Michigan
- Indiana
- Rhode Island
- Washington
- Vermont
- Pennsylvania
- New Jersey
- Ohio
- Tennessee
- New York
- Illinois
- Massachusetts
- Georgia
- South Carolina
- California
- Maryland
- Florida
- Colorado
- Missouri
- Connecticut
- New Hamshire
- Oregon
- Texas
- Alaska
- Virgina
- South Dakota
- Idaho
- Montana
- Iowa
- Minnesota
- Kentucky
- Maine
- Kansas
- Mississippi
- Nevada
- Wisconsin
- Arizona
- New Mexico
- West Virginia
- Arkansas
- Louisiana
- North Dakota
- Oklahoma
- Alabama
- Hawaii
- North Carolina
- Utah
- Delaware
- Neabraska
- Wyoming