
Food Finders Fresh Market Food Pantry is Now Switching to Their Fall Hours! Here’s What it Means for You!

Sep 7, 2022 | 1:08 PM

Food Finders Food Bank Fresh Market Fall Hours. Courtesy: Food Finders Food Bank Twitter (@FoodFinders)

The Fresh Market Food Pantry is no longer on Summer hours! The new hours for the Fresh Market Food Pantry are as follows: Tuesday through Thursday 1pm-6:30pm, Friday 1pm-5pm, and Saturday 10am-2pm.

If you are new to the Fresh Market Food Pantry, please be sure to bring your own reusable bags or cart, if not, plastic bags and boxes are usually available. If it is your first time at the Fresh Market, you will be asked to fill out an intake form and meet with a resource coordinator. The resource coordinator will explain how the Fresh Market Pantry works, and let you know about other services that are provided. If you are a resident of Tippecanoe County, you may visit the Fresh Market any day that it is open! However, if you are outside Tippecanoe County they ask that you only visit once a month, but will be happy to connect you to food resources in your county!

Food Finders Food Bank Fresh Market is located across from the Payless on Greenbush in the Market Square Plaza. For more information on the Fresh Market Food Pantry click here. Or, if you would like to become a volunteer for Food Finders Food Bank Fresh Market, click here.


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